About Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan


Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan is a non-profit mission launched by Subuhi Khan, an advocate of supreme court and national convener of Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan, under the guidance of Rashtra Rishi Shri K.N. Govindacharya ji, an environmental, social and political activist, formerly a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ideologue.

We, as the team of Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan, strive for an eco – centric and spiritually oriented Bharat. The meaning of our Abhiyan stands to awaken the nation for a call of change and uplift it from Ignorance to knowledge (truth). We promote compassion and unity among Bharat Varsh’s populace. Our mission is to protect the integrity of united Bharat and bring about harmony among the masses. We believe that the triumph of evil occurs when good men do nothing, and we are determined to make a difference.

We are aware of the future consequences of the continuing conduct of our fellow countrymen which divides them on the basis of gender, caste, religion, and other factors. These differences will never allow our nation to come together and address the serious issues that confront us. Thus, our movement is a bold call to action, a forceful demand for change, and a rallying cry for those who have been silenced for too long. With unwavering determination, we are poised to create a brighter and more equitable future.

Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan is a powerful movement that aims to raise awareness about the pressing climate crisis, the urgent need to protect wildlife, the crucial importance of prohibiting animal slaughter, the vital role of preserving forests and mountains, and a strong commitment to fight against water pollution. We strive for eco-centric development to preserve cultural heritage and ensure a sustainable future. Our focus revolves around the profound teachings of the Vedanta philosophy, which delves deep into the concept of ascending from Prakriti (Physical Nature) to Purusha (Self-Actualization), a journey towards discovering the true self and attaining inner peace.


Our Focus

According to NASA, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), “2023 was the hottest year ever recorded globally.”

The climate crisis is a grave danger to our planet and its inhabitants. The temperature of the earth is increasing at an alarming rate, and it is having a devastating impact on our planet. Global warming is a matter of urgent concern as it has many serious alterations to the environment, eventually impacting life. It causes a rise in sea level which leads to the loss of coastal land, a change in precipitation patterns, increased natural disasters and threats to biodiversity. In addition, the extinction of plant and animal species is accelerating. Human activities, predominantly burning fossil fuels, deforestation, agriculture and industrial processes are the main causes of climate crisis due to the release of greenhouse gases that trap heat and warm the planet.

We have identified the roots of this problem and hence, Our focus extends to 5 (J’s) major spheres that will resolve the problem:

1). Jan (People)

It is the people of Bharat that are and will be facing the adversities of climate change and the choice of ignoring nature in the name of development. In a democracy, we only get what we ask. We just need to make people aware of their legitimate needs which can actually give them peace and happiness. Instead of talking about religion, caste, region or gender, it is time to speak of humanity as a whole because nature will not differentiate while retreating. Overpopulation and unsustainable consumption habits are a major challenge in front of us. We have been successful in spreading awareness among the masses to reduce consumption and give priority to nature.

2). Jungle (Forest)

Forests are essential to the survival of life on Earth. They are often referred to as the “lungs of the world” because they play a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem. They help to clean the air, regulate the climate, help to protect the soil from erosion and flooding and provide habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals. These forests gave strength to Pandavas, Lord Ram; renunciation to great sages but in the name of development these forests are destroyed even from the most critical point - hills which are responsible to hold soil and reduce the flow of water down the hills. As a result, frequent landslides, avalanches and floods destroy several families, and is a big loss to our economy as well.

3). Jameen (Land)

Being the most populous country in the world, we need to feed more people and thus for this reason, our government initiated the green revolution in 1967 to increase food production, boost agricultural supplies and reduce food prices. However, it came with its drawbacks such as deforestation, food contamination due to use of harmful chemicals and soil depletion. Thus, we encourage farmers to use the ancient methods of crop rotation which improves soil structure and water holding capacity. This reduces water usage in irrigation ensuring optimum ground water levels.

4). Janwar (Animals)

We strongly oppose animal abuse and are proponents of non-violence. As a result of our historical traditions, where religions like Buddhism and Jainism focused non-violence and were always against animal cruelty, Bharat has the highest vegetarian population in the world. “Same consciousness permeates in all matters' ' is our strong belief. However, increasing meat consumption is not a personal choice but rather a global concern as according to UN reports, beef production is the biggest source of greenhouse gases. One kilogram of beef produces 99.48 kilograms of carbon dioxide. When demand for meat increases, the beef industry clears land for cattle and feed. Global meat production has tripled in the last 50 years, and beef production is the leading cause of deforestation. We have been educating the masses of the harmful effects of meat consumption.

5). Jal (Water)

Our country has always respected its rivers and even bestowed them with the title of mother. Our civilization flourished around them and their importance is even mentioned in Rig Veda. They are the lifeline for millions of people and the center of our trade, economics, and agriculture. However, Ganga and Yamuna are two of the most polluted rivers in the world. Untreated sewage, industrial wastes and agricultural runoff are the main causes of pollution. Even, the groundwater is polluted because of the use of fertilisers in farming which gradually seeps through the land. The river Yamuna throughout its course from Wazirabad to Etawah becomes a sewer drain and flows dead without any aquatic life until it merges with river Chambal. Delhi is alone responsible for 80% of the entire pollution load in the river. This all leads to adverse effects on our health. Thus, one of the key pillars of our vision is the prevention of water pollution. Our Volunteers are actively involved in cleaning of river yamuna and raising their voice against the pollution.

It is evident that these challenges are magnifying as people are becoming less responsible and losing their sense of duty. With the contemporary world placing greater emphasis on rights, our focus equally extends to duties to bring back the time when Dharma (Moral duty or righteousness) used to be the guiding factor of our society.

The enlightening words of sir A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, “Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.”, are deeply rooted in our hearts.

The word Bharat is made up of two parts: Bha; Means "light" or "knowledge" and rata; means "devoted". When put together, it means 'one who is in search of light or knowledge'. Our movement believes that people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture are like a tree without roots. Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan adheres to the Vedic and Bhagavad Gita schools of thought. We seek to make the teachings of Vedanta more accessible for everyone, particularly the younger generation, so that we can all fight the battles together while acknowledging that Ignorance is the root source of all conflicts. In this information technology age where stress and anxiety levels are increasing drastically, returning to nature is the only way out and hence more and more people from various fields are joining their hands with us to work towards an eco-centric Bharat.

Strengthen the movement by joining us and let’s make this country peaceful and “Vishwa Guru” again.


Guru Shri K. N. Govindacharya

Kodipakam Neelameghacharya Govindacharya is a social, economic, and political thinker who is also an environmentalist. His lifestyle shows the highest ideal of minimalism. The concept of 'Simple Living, High Thinking' is completely applicable to him.

Govindacharya was born in 1943 in Tirupati. Govindacharya is associated with Vaishnav tradition which gave him the title of Acharya. From a young age, Govindacharya spent much of his time in Banaras. Despite the financial constraints, his father ensured his education without any compromise. In 1960, he enrolled at Banaras Hindu University to pursue a B.Sc. in Mathematics where he joined Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh for the first time. His exceptional abilities earned him a place in Oxford University for research but he decided to work for the country instead, considering the nation's circumstances. His hard work and intelligence enabled him to propagate nationalism everywhere and achieve many new successes within the organization in a short period. Later, the Bharatiya Janata Party felt the need for a new strategist, and Govindacharya became a part of it in 1988. Until 2000, he played a key role in the party, after which he took a two-year study leave, and in April 2003, he returned and announced:

1. I am a volunteer and will remain so for life.

2. My faith lies in Integral Humanism.

3. I will not join any political party.

4. I will remain actively involved in creative and reformative activities.

Establishment of Organizations:

The foundation of more than 16 organizations has been laid by Govindacharya so that various problems that are in front of the country can be discussed and eliminated. His main objective is to prioritize eco-centric development and to revive the rich cultural heritage of the country. Over the past two decades, under his leadership, important issues such as cow protection, national sanitation, direct funding for local government bodies, declaring Ganga as the national river, combating corruption, construction of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple, boycotting Chinese goods,etc. have been raised and significant victories have been achieved. Govindacharya has also undertaken journeys along the three lifeline rivers of our country to raise awareness among the masses.Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan is also very fortunate to receive his guidance. Through this movement, he aims to improve the condition of cows, the Ganga, villages, and the Himalayas, which is the need of the hour.

Govindacharya has played a crucial role in social empowerment. Leaving the political path and choosing the path of public welfare is an evidence of his saintliness. With his support we want to take societal empowerment to new heights so that eco-centric development does not remain an idea but becomes a reality on the ground.



Subuhi khan is an advocate in the honorable Supreme Court of India and is the national convener of Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan. She is a social activist who is dedicated to traverse the length and breadth of Bharat to awaken her fellow countrymen about the threats posed to its unity. Through her tireless efforts, she ignites a spirit of nationalism among citizens, urging them to transcend language, caste, region, and sect, and embrace their identity as Indians. With a firm stance against separatism, extremism, and terrorism, she champions the ideology of Sanatani Muslim, seeking to revive the traditions of luminaries like Rahim, Raskhan, Kabir, and Darashikoh.

Subuhi Khan emphasizes that the chant of 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' signifies more than mere words; it embodies a commitment to safeguarding India's natural heritage - its water bodies, forests, land, animals, and people - a duty incumbent upon every Indian citizen. Under Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan, she fervently works towards the protection of cows, rivers, villages, agriculture, and the Himalayas. Believing that many contemporary challenges stem from humanity's detachment from nature, Subuhi Khan, guided by her guru Shri K.N. Govindacharya ji, advocates for eco-centric development. She stresses the inherent connection between humans and the natural world, emphasizing that neglecting this balance inevitably leads to societal discord. Through her visionary leadership, she endeavors to propagate the idea of eco-centric development, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

She is a spiritual seeker and founder of Kabeer Foundations which is a non-profit organization relentlessly working to spread awareness about the spiritual oneness of mankind and nature. Many people see her as a fierce media panelist speaking against separatism and extremism of all kinds. She is very vocal on every sociopolitical issue concerning the nation, this is visible from her constant fight in the movements for construction of Ram Mandir, abrogation of article 370 and ban on triple talaq.

She is passionate about traveling and engaging with people from various walks of life. By forming connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds, she seeks to gain insight into their challenges and adversities, with the aim of offering assistance in overcoming them. Under the guidance of her guru, she has understood the underlying causes of all societal issues. Since this realization, she has dedicated herself to eradicate these root causes through Rashtra Jagran Abhiyan.






